PushVoiP - Business VoIP Phone Systems | Top Rated VoIP Provider

Business VoIP Phone Systems | Top Rated VoIP Provider

Fax to email (fax2email) and email to fax (email2fax) services

Email to fax allows you to send a fax to any fax machine,
anywhere in the world, simply by sending an email.

We provide fax to email (fax2email) and email to fax (email2fax) services.

Email to fax allows you to send a fax to any fax machine, anywhere in the world, simply by sending an email.

Outbound faxes can be sent anywhere in the world and we support Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe PDF, Tiff, JPEG and many other formats as attachments for your Email to fax.

Fax to email is our inbound fax service, which allows you to receive faxes from other people via email. We give you your own business fax number, or multiple numbers if needed. You then tell which email to send faxes that arrive on that number to. When a fax comes in to your number, we convert it to an Adobe PDF document, add it as an attachment to an email and send it through to you.

You can sign up for fax to email, email to fax, or both. Email to fax has no standing charges, whereas for fax to email

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Great Pricing Plan

Upon making the purchase of our license of any kind, users are entitled to access a whole collection of premium features and predefined designs, which come in handy for you to start building your very own website with great comfort, high satisfaction, and all of the standards met.

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[rt_pricing_table_style pricing_table_style_variation=”two” pricing_table_title=”Business Plan” pricing_table_price=”34.99″ pricing_table_tagline=”Create excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident” pricing_table_button=”Get Started” pricing_table_button_link=”#”]

  • Responsive
  • Live streaming
  • Adaptive bitrate
  • Analytics


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